Do You Have A Project We Can Help With?

Quality Assurance / Quality Control

Murftech Engineering Solutions Ltd is able to offer Quality assurance and control of all bolted connections. Our team of Engineers has a wealth of knowledge and experience, having worked worldwide on various sites.

We are able to offer many solutions that can be tailored to the customers needs & preferences, such as:

  • Third Party Checking Of Bolted Connections

  • Pre Assembly Flange / Sealing Face Inspection & Complete Remedial Works If Necessary

  • Check Torqueing Post Installation

  • Bolt Load and Stress Checks

  • Zone Zero Tablet Hardware & Reporting Software

  • Critical Joint Witnessing & Sign Off

  • Flange Management

  • Full Joint Certification / Handover

Our Core Values

ISO-9001 MurfTech
ISN RAVS Plus Participant - MurfTech
ISO-45001 MurfTech

Get In Touch

If you have a project that you’d like to talk to us about, please get in touch using the contact form below.